The benefits of rice water are numerous

The benefits of rice water are numerous

The next time you prepare rice, do not give up water, to know why, here is this article that contains the benefits of rice water.

فوائد ماء الأرز العديدة

Rice water is the one in which the rice is soaked before cooking, or we cook rice without covering it then half the rice and take its water.

When rice is cooked with this water, it releases some starch in it, which makes it have many different aesthetic and health benefits.

Benefits of rice water for skin
Rice water is rich in some vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain healthy skin, which means enjoying the following benefits:

Clean face: After washing the face, put a little rice water on it. It is rich in Vitamin B, which promotes cell growth, regenerates and slows down aging.
Smooth skin: Cedar water works as a natural conditioner for the skin, by washing the face using this water.
Facial Cleanser: The rice water is very light and grainy for the skin, so it helps clean it and add freshness to it.
It has a role in the treatment of acne: where the water of rice to reduce the redness of acne and inflammation, and by putting some of it on a piece of cotton and then applied to the affected area.
Reducing Eczema: Starch in rice water helps reduce the problem of eczema, just put some cold rice water on the place of infection.
Reduce burns: Help treat these burns faster, but use cold rice water for this purpose.
Help with skin rash: Just put the rice water in the bathtub and sit in it for 15 minutes. This helps calm the skin rash and reduce its symptoms.
Benefits of rice water for hair
Rice water has always been used to promote hair health, as it has the following benefits:

Protects hair from damage: It reduces the problem of breaking and shattering hair and increases its flexibility, and protects it from additional damage.
Strengthening hair roots: Rice water is rich in essential amino acids for hair roots, which help to nourish and strengthen it.
Hair straightening: When the hair roots are strong and healthy, it also reflects the smoothness of the hair positively.
Increases hair gloss: Put some rice water on the scalp and leave for 20 minutes and then rinse off, and you will notice that your hair has become better and increased gloss.
Benefits of rice water for health
If the benefits of rice water are not limited to that aesthetic, but also have health benefits, by drinking it, which include:

Provides the body with energy
Helps moisturize the body and protect it from dehydration
Regulates internal body temperature
Reduces and contributes to the treatment of constipation.


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